Monday, May 24, 2010

Take A Step Back

So I know it's been a while since I've posted, you'll have to excuse that, I've just gotten so busy! But no worries I'm back now :) haha I got the idea for this blog on Mother's Day actually and I'm JUST now getting around to it...

Most of us travel through life worrying about ourselves, our lives and those of the ones we love. We become so wrapped up in ourselves that we're focused on only our path, about how something effects us or what's going to happen to us. Yes those things are important, but that's not looking at the big picture. The way I've come to see it lately is that God is weaving one giant tapestry, the most ornately beautiful sight you could ever behold. Well in His tapestry each one of our lives is a thread. As humans we're zoomed in, all we can see is our thread and the threads closest to us. We are unable to grasp the entire picture. God has woven all of us together for a reason, we are where we are for a specific reason. But if we were able to just step back and look at His design, we all need each other. The design is so intricately laced that each one of us is connected somehow. God just never stops amazing me, everywhere you look people are connected in some way, and when it comes to it they're a support system. God wants us to have relationships, we are designed to do so, but that design goes so much deeper, because God knows before someone is even thought of their exact life. But not only does he know every detail of what that person will ever go through or feel, He knows every detail of what a person who interacts with that person or knows that person will go through or feel. Even further, He knows exactly what they'll need from each other, and everyone else ever to touch their life, and he choreographs their paths to intersect at exactly the right time. How HUGE is God?! I'm telling you I will never be able to wrap my mind around such enormity. So I guess what I'm trying to get at is, when you start to get self absorbed, where all you can think about is what's happening to you and what you're going through, just step back. Step back and just trust Jesus, I promise you He's got this. He knows what you need and even though you're not always gonna like it, and it's not always gonna feel good, "It's for you're own good." haha I know everybody's heard that one before. 
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. 
Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.... 
Psalm 62:8-10