Ok so, all I can say is it's gonna be a long chapter in Sociology, for however long it takes. Hopefully not too long. We started the Religion chapter today, it's as intense as it sounds. I'm not even sure how to handle it. We were instructed to be objective listeners throughout the entire chapter and not "force our views" on others. While that's never been the easiest for me, and sitting in front of an atheist is not helping matters. My heart wants so badly to help him and introduce him to Jesus and show him the light that is God. But, I'm not sure how to approach it with him. He's.. one of the more.. obnoxious people I know and usually always has something to say about everything. I won't lie and tell you I'm not intimidated. I kept my cool the majority of the time today (though I was simmering on the inside) up until the point where a Christian girl in the video we were watching was giving a testimony about how God had changed her life and saved her from her sins in sex and drugs and rescued her from depression. I know that's 100% possible because he's done it for me, not in every aspect this girl was talking about of course but he's rescued me from my lowest point and changed my life forever. I was fine until the boy started going off about this girl saying some pretty mean things, and I couldn't keep silent anymore, I know I probably should have handled it very differently but I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I turned around and told him that it is possible and I've been through it and implied without saying that he needed to close his mouth. I feel terrible about the harshness of my words when I said them, but it did it's purpose and he shut his mouth. Thank goodness I was literally 'saved by the bell' at that point and left without another word.
keep watch over the door of my lips.
Remember the old adage: "kill em with kindness"
Of course, we don't want to kill anyone, but sometimes it would be nice if the more arrogant of the naysayers would die to themselves and be born again!
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