So if you know me you know that I've moved around.. a lot haha For the most part it's wonderful, I love meeting new people and making new friends, and the moving has caused me to have friends all over South Carolina. However there's a downside to that as well. I've been feeling really homesick lately for my friends in Spartanburg and it's just been really rough. So I decided I'd go to God, because after all he has all the answers. Well after an hour or so of hunting for a verse that related to what I needed I just couldn't find what I was searching for. That is, until I got some help from the ever so lovely Lauren Rudd. :) Within what seemed like no time at all I'd explained what it was I was looking for and she came back with at least 6 or 7 options of verses that suited my exact situation. There's not a doubt in my mind that God is working in that girl.
But back to the point, about two nights ago I was having one of those homesick moments and basically torturing myself living in the past and trying to relive old memories. So as I was sitting there thinking about my life and friends up there I started to wonder about this path God has me on. I began questioning it and trying to take over and control it for myself. Of course that isn't the right attitude and there are countless pieces of scripture to support that. In trying to choose just one as an example, I'm finding it a very difficult task because I feel like every verse was written for me. Luckily, I've finally narrowed it down to two: :)
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
There you have it, God is working for me, for what I need and for my good, and I've been called here according to his purpose. This I fully believe, if it weren't for my moving here who knows where I would be? In my mind, Lexington was the place I grew up phsyically, Spartanburg where I grew up mentally, and now Aiken where I've grown up spiritually. If God hadn't led my family here I don't know that I would have the relationship with Him that I do, and that in and of itself is heartbreaking to me. I'm absolutely in love with Jesus and never want to lose him.
Psalm 118:24 This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Humans are meant to live in the present, learning from their pasts, and trusting God with their future. Well in my opinion that sounds much easier than it is. It's so easy for us to hold grudges or long for something that is no more. In my case it's longing for good ol' Sparklecity and the people along with it of course. :) So I've decided to attempt to live in the present haha It's a challenge for me to say the least. Of course I'm always going to remember the people I love and think of them, but I just have to learn to stop feeling sorry about it. This is my home now, for however short or long a time, this is where God has me. Not Spartanburg. Not Lexington. Aiken. So enough pining for the one's I've left behind, they're forever in my heart, but it's more than time to move on and start living in the now.
I've gotten to a point where I love Spartanburg and Aiken equally and if asked to choose I'm not sure it would be possible. Every place I've ever been plays a serious role in the person I am today and I would never take anything back for a do-over.
This is a verse that Lauren found that's from an extra book in a Jewish bible or something like that but it's a great quote!
Ecclesiasticus 9:10 Forsake not an old friend; for the new is not comparable to him: a new friend is as new wine; when it is old, thou shalt drink it with pleasure.